Terp Tank was the culminating capstone event of two years of study in the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program (EIP). For their capstone, second-semester sophomores worked in teams to develop a for-profit business plan that achieved multiple bottom-lines of both profitability and social benefit. These projects addressed the global necessity to develop and implement solutions to critical social and environmental concerns in ways that were technologically viable and economically sustainable. Each student team presented their capstone project to a panel of outside judges for the chance to win cash prizes from supporting sponsors.

2017 Participating Student Startup Ventures

Carpal Alt Delete
With over 12 million people in the U.S. suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome, Carpal Alt Delete seeks to provide the first holistic, pain-free, ergonomic solution for laptops that offers users both convenience and mobility.

Dinezen is a mobile application that curates meal options for college students based on their dietary restrictions and targets. Dinezen aims to educate students and make good nutrition easy, fun, and attainable, while promoting a lifelong habit of healthy and smart eating.

Driving Dollars
Driving Dollars is a mobile application that aims to reduce accidents caused by texting and driving by rewarding users who keep their phone locked while behind the wheel. By doing so, Driving Dollars promotes a positive culture around safe driving, making the roads safer for everyone.

EduChange provides an easily accessible and user-friendly financial savings option that empowers, educates, and facilitates investing for low-income families looking to save for their child’s education. EduChange equips parents with the necessary tools to save money in an education plan, creating more opportunities for children to attend college.

Experienship is an online platform that links students to internships with small businesses. The company’s social value proposition is to equip students in small universities and community colleges with the tools and work experiences needed acquire a quality job after college.

LegalGuide is a social venture dedicated to helping criminal defendants by providing them with free, practical information on trial preparation and connecting them to affordable legal counsel. LegalGuide counteracts socioeconomic and ethnic biases in the legal system while helping defendants present their best case.

Lucere is a virtual reality training platform focused on promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Through immersive learning technology, the company aims to reduce the inherent racial bias in employees, creating a happier workplace, increasing the quality of customer service, and reducing the number of costly discrimination lawsuits.

OverTime provides the only multi-platform career connection service tailored specifically to student-athletes, connecting them with job and mentorship opportunities, and ultimately easing their transitions out of college.

Silk Road Recipes
Silk Road Recipes empowers users to explore new cuisines through recipe kits with exactly portioned, key, non-perishable ingredients for ethnic dishes from their favorite online food videos. By de-hassling the process of trying new international dishes, Silk Road foments greater cultural awareness and reduces food and packaging waste, while generating direct employment opportunities for immigrants.

Soleil International
Soleil International is a study-abroad program that sends college students to Nosy-be, Madagascar, to learn and apply sustainable engineering to bring solar power to untapped schools while improving Malagasy students’ education and health.

StyroNo is an industrial Styrofoam waste removal service created to help the environment through the reduction of Styrofoam waste in landfills. StyroNo compresses large amounts of Styrofoam into small briquettes using a thermal compactor, after which they are transported to a Styrofoam recycler.

TeacherConnect provides support to inexperienced teachers through teaching materials and a personalized mentor. By doing so, students in low-income areas can have equal access to more qualified teachers, which helps to mitigate educational inequality.

TurBinD is a versatile, small-scale, vertical axis wind turbine that can either act as a standalone power source or complement existing solar installations. The TurBinD team plans to use its turbines to eliminate the negative public perception of wind energy, increase grid resilience and decrease carbon emissions.
2017 Terp Tank Sponsors